A blood test provides a snapshot of the current influences the organism is dealing with. Blood circulates, transports, and, among other things, cleanses the body by distributing to the internal organs.
In contrast, the cell test provides a broader insight into the body's storage and processing of nutrients, offering a historical perspective that can explain imbalances in the horse's body. With a cell sample, we obtain a reliable overview of nutrient deficiencies as well as a range of stress factors that we can address immediately. For example, if the cell sample indicates a deficiency in B12 rather than just a general lack of vitamins, we can respond more quickly to assist the horse and its owner.
Epigenetics is about whether parts of an individual's genes are active or not. DNA is passed from parents to offspring, but genes are something we can turn on and off. So, even though specific genetic material is given, it is lifestyle, nutrition, and environmental influences that determine which genes are active, thus influencing gene expression in an individual at a specific point in their life. Ideally, we activate the healthy genes and deactivate the unhealthy ones. There is plenty of scientific evidence to support this knowledge. For example, there is data showing that adopted children do not develop the same diseases as their biological parents but tend to develop the diseases present in their adoptive families. The word "epigenetics" is Greek and means "above genetics." Therefore, it is epigenetics that overrides genetics itself and determines which genes are active and which are not.
A hair cell sample is an epigenetic test that scans the hair cell using a very precise TESLA coil. How the given cell is doing also reflects knowledge about the epigenetic basis because it is epigenetics that governs how all the different cell types in the body develop, thrive, break down, and more. So, based on the scanning of the individual cell, we gain knowledge about the current gene expression of the individual and can thus optimize epigenetics (turn on more beneficial genes and turn off more detrimental ones) for the individual based on the information provided in the report.
The cell membrane must be optimal, meaning the composition of fatty acids in the membrane should be optimal, hence a balance between omega-3 and 6 is important. Nutrients and fluids must be able to enter, and waste products must exit.
The mitochondria must function
The cell nucleus with DNA must be intact
The cell must not be damaged by free radicals.
The immune system functions optimally when the horse/animal is in balance - here, one can rely on the wheels found in the epigenetic report obtained after the hair cell sample is taken. The immune system requires that the horse receives the right amount of rest/sleep and is not stressed/under pressure. It also requires that the environment in which it is situated is optimal - that it does not live in a stressful environment or have a stressed owner. There is a need for the right nutrition to avoid imbalances between the various systems. The horse needs to be supplied with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, antioxidants, and amino acids that are balanced with each other.
The feed the horse consumes will affect its cells at various levels and to varying degrees. The report recommends avoiding the top 10 feeds that, at the time of the test, cost the body more energy than they provide. Therefore, it should be avoided as much as possible for 90 days. If the horse's digestive system has to work too hard to digest specific feeds, it robs energy from other systems, and the body's systems cannot work to achieve the right balance in the body. So, by avoiding these feeds for a period, you assist the horse's body in releasing more energy for cell optimization and thus the entire body. This does not mean that the feeds to be avoided for a 90-day period are "bad" or should be avoided for the horse forever - just that RIGHT NOW, when the body is in the state determined by the cell test, consuming the mentioned feeds would cost too much energy, and the body would use too much energy for digestion/metabolism. It can very well be that the same feeds at another time will help the body optimize, just not right now.